Some changes to the newsletter

1x weekly links, 1x weekly new feature breakdown

Hey everyone!

As many of you know, I've been off work since March recovering from a TBI.

I started writing this newsletter to slowly increase my screen tolerance and get myself back into product thinking. I've been blown away by the response so far, and I'm super grateful to all of you who've tuned in to these daily emails 💜

Thankfully I'm now about 80-85% recovered, and my plan is to return to work in two weeks. As a result, I'll be changing the format of the newsletter to be more sustainable alongside a full-time PM gig.

TLDR is that the newsletter will now become a twice weekly affair:

  • 1x weekly - "Features and products hot off the press"

    • Curating all links from a week, and further breaking them out into:

      • A) Industry (e.g. dev tools, streaming, fintech, AI)

      • B) Product focus area (e.g. onboarding, privacy, usability, pricing)

  • 1x weekly - "Wait... They shipped what!?"

    • Will dive deeper into a new product launch that's exciting or consequential

    • Focus will be on unique product and strategy angles, and "why it matters"

Based on survey feedback I expect most folks will like the changes, but I know there's some of you that won't. To folks in the later camp, I'm sorry I couldn't continue with the old format, but I do have to prioritize my health with my return to work :(

This whole thing is one big experiment so it's likely that the format will continue to evolve over time. In the meantime, would appreciate any feedback you have as you read the new format 🙏

Stay tuned later this week for the first new emails.

Appreciate your support!

- Amol