Walls close in

Search gets reinvented, pay transparency is coming, cloudflare un-captchas

Good morning! Californians will see salaries on job postings from Jan 1, 2023. Gavin Newsom signed a pay transparency law, with salary disclosure requirements for companies with 15+ employees. I guess that's bye-bye to the "Coloradans need not apply" line in job postings today.

Wait... They shipped what!?

Google has unveiled a slew of changes to their one product that rules them all - Search. 

Details: Google employees showed Sundar how busy they've been at Search On 22. Some highlights include:

  • Discussions & Forums - Querying Reddit & Quora for open ended questions

  • New UI - Revamped search experience with a focus on visual appeal

  • Multisearch - Ability to search for apparel using a combo of text + images

  • Visual feed - Starting a search with "shop" will yield a visual shopping feed

  • Live view search - Search for nearby essentials using your camera

Why it matters: Google's making a big shift. Why? Because of increasing competition and changing consumer behaviors around search.

Amazon's shopping prowess has chipped away at Google's dominance in Search, while people are increasingly turning to responses from 'real humans' on the likes of TikTok and Reddit.

The common thread of a visual focus across the new features is no coincidence. Gen-Z is growing up in a visual-first world, and considering their LTV, Google doesn't want to miss the boat.

Features & products hot off the press

Big tech

  • Cloudflare builds Turnstile to replace it's CAPTCHA offering 

  • Instagram is rolling out a feature letting users send text notes to followers

  • Instacart will expand it's EBT SNAP payments program to all retailers 

  • Google Maps announces eco-friendly routing for developers

  • Google upgrades language translation for text in the physical world

  • Amazon launches Halo rise, a bedside sleep-tracker

  • Square launches support for Apple's Tap to Pay 

General and early-stage

  • Public launches fractional trading of alternative assets

  • Scout unveils a 'thematic' investing app for Gen Z 

  • May Mobility launches wheelchair-friendly autonomous vehicles

  • Open AI widens access by removing the waitlist for DALL-E2

  • Oura launches Horizon, a new rounder version of its health-tracking ring

Getting 1% better at building product

  • Goal setting - What to do instead of setting cascading goals, by John Cutler 

  • Execution - Good v Great PMs and north star metrics, by 20VC 

Other tech happenings

  • No buyers. Apple cuts iPhone 14 production targets after slow demand

  • Un-free speech. Vietnam to choose which social media accounts post news

  • Winter is coming. Lyft kicks off a hiring freeze in the US

  • On ramps. SWIFT partners with Chainlink on an interoperability protocol

  • Bad cop. Apple removes OG App, which delivered an ad-free IG experience

Courtesy of mindless Twitter scrolling

And that’s a wrap for today. Stay tuned for more!

-  Amol

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