Social AI

QuickVid ships an AI tool for social, Amazon explores sports streaming, Waze fires warning shots

Happy new year! Hope you had a fun and relaxing holiday period - here comes 2023.

I'm tweaking the format of TTS going into the new year. The newsletter will shift back to a shortened daily format with a focus on links, so for now there won't be a deeper analysis piece.

Overarching reader feedback was that the new format was overwhelming with too many links in one email. I'm now aiming to get back to the core value prop within a quick and easy read, while also being considerate of my schedule now that I'm back at work.

I'd love to hear your feedback on the new format - hit reply and let me know your thoughts!

Highlight of the day

QuickVid ships an AI short-form video tool for social. It combines several generative-AI systems into a single tool to automatically create videos for various social platforms.

Features & products hot off the press

Big tech

  • Twitter announces swiping between tweets, topics, and trends 

  • Amazon is working on a standalone sports streaming app

  • Telegram ships a revamped media editor tool 

  • Google Voice ships spam call warnings

  • Waze tests warning drivers of dangerous roads

  • Spotify ships a New Year content hub

  • Amazon to kill its Wickr Me encrypted chat platform

General and early-stage

  • Poly launches a generative-AI stock assets marketplace

  • Movano unveils a smart-ring focused on women's health 

  • Beehiiv launches automated email-journeys

  • Step App ships a community leaderboard

  • Bullet Trains launches a Zapier feature for Rails applications

Other good finds

  • Gettin' crafty. Shopify views its data marketing tool as a key strategic area

  • Red alert. FCC Commissioner says banning TikTok is a natural next step

  • Reality strikes. Fidelity slashes its carrying value of Twitter by 56%

Twitter nugget

Thanks for reading! If you've got any comments or feedback, please hit reply - I'd love to hear from you :)

- Amol