Scroll & shop

Everyone ships checkmarks, TikTok tests in-app shopping, YouTube intro's live Q&A

Good morning! Verified checkmarks are in fashion, with the likes of Substack and Tumblr adding their own versions. Tumblr in particular didn't want to be outdone by Twitter, and as such users can buy TWO verified checkmarks for $8. What have we come to....

Wait... They shipped what!?

TikTok launched its first tests of in-app shopping in the US.

Backstory: "Project Aquaman" is TikTok's internal name for a broad strategic initiative aiming to turn the app into an online retail bazaar of sorts.

TikTok's previously tested shopping in other geos, trademarked pay-by-voice functionality, and started hiring to build out fulfilment centers in the US.

Details: TikTok Shop lets users purchase items without ever having to leave the TikTok app. Some highlights include:

  • TikTok takes a 5% commission on each in-app sale

  • US businesses need to submit an application to participate

  • Surfaced through in-feed & live videos, and a "product showcase" tab

Why it matters: As the likes of Meta scale back on shopping features, TikTok continues to throw shopping-related experiments at the wall to see what sticks.

Revenue diversification is top of mind for TikTok. Advertiser pullback stemming from macroeconomic concerns and Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) changes have resulted in TikTok slashing revenue forecasts by over 20%.

Given TikTok's scale and engagement, Shop could have a serious impact on the US e-commerce space. It will however be a difficult task for TikTok as they need to create a new behavior - unlike in Asia, US users aren't used to shopping within social apps.

What to watch: How TikTok Shop in the US evolves over the next 1.5 months as we get into peak shopping season.

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  • Meta kills its smart display and smartwatch products

  • TikTok tests an in-app shopping feature

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General and early-stage

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  • PRDs - How to write a PRD that actually helps you build products, by Reforge

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  • Another one. Disney to layoff employees and freeze hiring  

Courtesy of mindless Twitter scrolling

And that’s a wrap for today. Stay tuned for more!

- Amol