Not So Fast

Mercedes unveils subscription pricing for acceleration, Google tests a new Play Store ad-slot, Replit announces its own LLM

Happy Friday! New York’s Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) will no longer post bus and train alerts on Twitter, citing doubts about the platform’s reliability. The exodus continues 🏃‍♀️

🌶 Highlight of the day 🌶

Mercedes unveils $60 / month subscription pricing to unlock faster acceleration in its new EV models. The “Acceleration Increase” subscription unlocks 20-25% faster acceleration and motor output power in the EQE and ESQ models. The glorious trend of automakers paywalling core features continues 🛡️

♨️ Hot off the press launches

Big tech

  • YouTube Music rolls out podcasts with a dedicated podcasts tab

  • Google to add end-to-end encryption to Authenticator

  • Google tests a new ad-slot on the Play Store

  • Microsoft integrates Designer into Edge for AI-generated social content

  • Pinterest to introduce third-party ads courtesy of Amazon Ads

General and early-stage

  • Luca unveils price planning and prediction tools for retailers

  • Mindverse ships a platform for building specialized AI agents

  • POSH launches its event management and ticketing platform

  • Replit announces its own LLaMa-style code LLM

  • Lightyear ships a web version of its stock-trading app

🔍 Other good finds

  • No go. The unbundling fallacy as a zero-interest rate phenomenon

  • Copy wins. Time spent on Instagram grew 24% Y.o.Y due to Reels

  • Line in sand. Bipartisan bill to ban social media algorithms on minors

🧈 Twitter nugget

Thanks for reading! If you've got any comments or feedback, please hit reply - I'd love to hear from you :)

- Amol