No Escape

CNET gets sneaky, Open AI goes professional, Apple Maps gets business listings

Good morning! CNET was spotted quietly publishing entire articles generated by AI.  Since November, they've published 75 financial explainers "generated by automation technology". Looks like it's likely only a matter of days till I'm automated away... 

Highlight of the day

Open AI pilots ChatGPT professional. The premium version of ChatGPT offers higher daily limits, faster responses, and avoids blackout windows. Not gonna lie - jealous of the traffic that Open AI's growth folks have for running monetization experiments....

Features & products hot off the press

Big tech

  • Apple Maps launches a tool to let businesses list on Maps

  • Roblox rolls out a creator hub for developers 

  • Twitter defaults users to an algorithmic "for you" tab 

  • Deepmind unveils an AI that collects diamonds in Minecraft 

  • Microsoft Teams paywalls a raft of features

  • Microsoft unveils a retailer analytics product

  • Meta adds new moderation features to Horizon Worlds

General and early-stage

  • Blaze launches a no-code app builder 

  • Yotta ships savings streaks and transaction allocations 

  • Clubhouse launches a Houses Waitlist feature

  • Quire unveils a time-tracking productivity feature

  • Playlist AI ships a GPT-3 driven playlist generation tool 

Other good finds

Twitter nugget

Thanks for reading! If you've got any comments or feedback, please hit reply - I'd love to hear from you :)

-  Amol