Closing Walls

Google opens up 3rd party payments in India, UberEats ships an interesting privacy feature, Substack embraces private blogs

Happy Friday! Hope you've been enjoying reading the newsletter. If you've got any feedback around what you like / what could be better, please hit reply - I'm all ears. Separately, if you have any friends or colleagues who may enjoy reading along, I'd love if you can tell them about Time to Ship!

Highlight of the day

Google to open up third-party payments on the Play Store in India after antitrust action. The slow loosening of Google's grip continues, with the likes of South Korea, Australia, Japan, Indonesia and the EU already seeing some form of third-party payment options.

Features & products hot off the press

Big tech

  • Google Search displays nearby car dealership inventory 

  • Google's Flutter unveils new graphics capabilities

  • TikTok ships feature letting users choose who can DM them

  • UberEats launches a 'View as Delivery Person' privacy feature

  • Twitter builds a Tweet Awards monetization feature

General and early-stage

  • Disney+ advertisers to get Hulu's ad-targeting capabilities 

  • Twitch unveils updates to display of pre-roll ads

  • Walmart launches a shop via texting feature 

  • Substack ships 'private' request-only blog functionality

  • Addie's opens it's first drive-up grocery store

  • Getsafe expands to France with home insurance launch 

Other good finds

  • Even the best. How Kevin Rose got duped in a crypto hack 

  • Green apple. NYC to require Uber & Lyft go 100% electric by 2030

  • On the bandwagon. Buzzfeed to use Open AI to create quizzes

Twitter nugget

Thanks for reading! If you've got any comments or feedback, please hit reply - I'd love to hear from you :)

- Amol