
Olvy ships an AI-powered PRD writing tool, TikTok tests sleep reminders, Neeva launches an AI search-engine

Good morning! A startup has unveiled a smart pepper spray that notifies friends when deployed. Could see this going well, but also going very very poorly...

Highlight of the day

Olvy beta launches WriteMyPRD, an AI-powered PRD writing tool for PMs. Users fill out inputs providing an initial overview of the feature and associated requirements, and subsequently, the fool fleshes out a more detailed PRD. 

Features & products hot off the press

Big tech

  • Google launches Muse, a new text-to-image model

  • Google ships new listening features for Android

  • TikTok tests a sleep reminders feature

  • Verizon announces that +Play will open to non-Verizon customers

  • Microsoft is working on adding Open AI's tech to Microsoft Office

General and early-stage

  • Neeva launches its ChatGPT-style AI search engine

  • YC unveils a founder directory tool 

  • Unistellar launches a smart-phone based mini-telescope 

  • Screen Studio ships voiceover support functionality

  • GPTZero launches a ChatGPT plagiarism detection tool

Other good finds

  • Nikita Bier - Importance of prioritizing relevant accessibility features

  • Dead or alive. AI-app lets users have convos with historical figures

  • Lawyer up. DoNotPay to test AI robo-lawyer in court-case

Twitter nugget

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-  Amol